Another semen question: Increasing volume

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Q: I am 49 and don't have a problem getting an erection. How can I ejaculate longer instead of just dribbling when I have an orgasm??

This is one of those things I must admit I simply do not get … unless you're worried about fertility, I'm not sure what the fuss is about ejaculate volume! Personally, I don't mind a bit when a partner only produces a small volume of semen. To the contrary, men who come all over the place are just making a bigger mess.

Ejaculate volume is one of those individual things, to a certain extent. Some guys come like porn stars, and some don't. (And actually, porn directors sometimes have guys "stand in" for money shots, if the star of the scene can't cum buckets!)

All that said, judging from the number of pills out there advertised to increase semen volume, obviously it's a big deal to a lot of people out there. And sadly, there's a pretty limited number of legitimate options for changing one's ejaculate volume. I looked around, tried to avoid all the pill scam sites, and came up with this list:

  1. Kegel exercises While these are most often recommended to women worried about vaginal muscle tone, and folks with bladder control issues, Kegel exercises can also be a great thing for men, sexually speaking. Not only can they help you control ejaculation and generally increase muscle tone and strength, but I saw several sources say they helped increase ejaculate volume. How? Not sure … I don't know if better muscle tone helps increase the body's production of seminal fluids, or if it just helps increase the force of ejaculation. Either way, it can't do anything but help.

    To do a Kegel exercise, just "clamp down" your muscles as though you're trying to stop peeing, or trying to hold it when you really have to go. (In fact, trying to stop your flow of urine is a good way to make sure you're doing it right.) Do them whenever you think of it. Alternate between short squeezes, and holding the tension for a while. Heck, try doing Kegel morse code if you want!

  2. Vitamin supplements Zinc and amino acid supplements are said to increase seminal fluid volume. Zinc is especially recommended. Pick up some zinc supplements, and check your local health food or fitness store to find an all-around amino supplement.
  3. Increased foreplay The longer you fool around before you orgasm, the more time your body spends building up for it. And your partner certainly won't mind the extra attention either!
  4. Abstinence If you're mostly worried about how much you come during intercourse, lay off the masturbation for a day or two beforehand. The less often you ejaculate, the more semen production has a chance to "save up" between orgasms. This may be the least fun option, but it certainly helps.

Now, for the bad new